SMBC - Romeo and Juliet Bookmark

SMBC - Romeo and Juliet Bookmark
Bookmarking your books with books not bookish enough for you? If you buy this bookmark, you can bookmark your bookmark that's a book while it's bookmarking your book.
DISCLAIMER: Because a few people have asked - although the bookmark does contain all of Romeo and Juliet, it's not meant to be read. In addition to probably being reaaaally bad for your eyes anyway, because it's in a tiny font the lettering will appear fuzzy under magnification.
You can still read it, but it's not going to look like perfect calligraphy and would probably take some serious patience. We made these mainly for the novelty and coolness. If you actually want to read Romeo and Juliet, we recommend this.
Artist: Zach Weinersmith
Collection: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Ships in 3-5 business days; not including weekend/holidays.